Manal and Hossam Manaa: They have by and large more than 35 years of experience as Physicians and have resigned on February of 2012. At long last, Manal had the opportunity to tail her fantasies: being a cook. The Parthenon would not be conceivable without their diligent work, commitment, and in particular, their ability in Mediterranean nourishment.
Britany Manaa: Britany runs The Parthenon on low maintenance premise. She works 40 hours per week as a caseworker at a non-benefit association called PACE. She additionally has five years' involvement in sustenance administration.
Mohamed Manaa: Mohamed graduated restorative school in 2012 and is as of now considering for his Boards while he at the same time runs The Parthenon.
Abdelaziz Belmorabit: Aziz has been working at The Parthenon for more than 4 years. He was head gourmet specialist under the past proprietor and has a confirmation in culinary expressions. He has had more than 8 years' involvement in the eatery business.
Chris Liew: He specializes
in Oriental food and has been a chef from last 30 yrs. He is one of the pillars
of Parthenon from last 20 yrs.
Jorma Ikehemo: He
has been working with Parthenon as a manager for last 30 yrs and he knows the minute
details of the dishes in the restaurant menu. He personally inspects food for
quality. He possesses a graduate degree in hospitality.
Chris: She is our
receptionist who specializes in 10 different languages to serve our customers.
Mark Lawry: Being
the director of restaurant, he has taken it to great heights of success and
made it one of the busiest restaurants in Indianapolis. He is master of hospitality
from university Michigan.
Chris Lawry: He
specializes in operations of the restaurant and possesses a MBA from university
of Vancouver.